
Photo by Lacie Slezak / Unsplash

The Meru Project has discovered that the sequence of letters in the Hebrew text of Genesis reveals a simple yet extraordinary and unexpected series of geometric models whose intrinsic meaning describes processes inherent in fields as diverse as embryology, modern physics, and consciousness studies.

The benefits of using this extraordinary and uniquely elegant model range from personal and spiritual growth to the expansion of scientific knowledge.


The best strategy in the real world is based on the golden rule, because ultimately this leads to the greatest
common and individual good.
What we’re seeing here is that God is not the “intelligent designer” directing evolution choice-by-choice.
Rather, the contrast, Hashem-Elokim=Echad is the source of the shefa tal, a stream of negentropy, God’s
loving-kindness, that we ourselves can harness to make choices.
When we examine the science of flocking, swarming, and schooling communities—whether of
individuals or of abstract dimensions—we find that “c



  1. more on emergence in this issue: source: ( meru.org stan tenen )
The Serious Implications of the Meru Findings
Recovery of the functional and operational meaning of the letters of the alphabet makes it possible
to recover the deep (rather than idiomatic and/or common) meaning of Hebrew roots and words.
Recovery of the deep meaning of Torah Hebrew terminology—skipping many details—leads to the
recovery of the prophetic tradition.


  1. [8:54 PM]Recovery Of Prophetic Tradition ( as Science )


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