Access Denied

Access Denied
Photo by Andy Kelly / Unsplash

I have assembled some tools which give me access.

Modern Life Requires Access To and Through Computers And Internet Technologies. Until Recently it has not been practical for me.

SEE: My Post and follow the links.

Triple Crown
Hello. I am learning to put together this website. I am in the Post Editor? Now. “Seeing” if this is where i Inject Code. Specifically “Dark Mode” as Default. It seems to require a New Post be Posted to inject the Javascrypt? script. Well, that only Styled this post. I

To get this access i have had to build tools to even get this far ... now the minimum set of tools created by others allows me to Operate.

Thank You, Microsoft (, Github, Github pages ), Darkreader, Chrome ( For having extentions like Darkreader ), Firefox ( for opening the browser world to add-ons, extentions, ... ).

Thank you, Twitch for showing me show AI, and Discord for having a place to associate with CODErs .

Thank Twitter, for making finding Influencial People to source all these goodies to me.

Creating Environment

1: Ghost. This Ghost site.


3: GitHub

4: Pages

5: DarkReader



is a Dark Theme Switcher Browser extention.


Dark Reader — dark theme for every website
Dark mode on all websites. Care your eyes, use Dark Reader for night and daily browsing. For Chrome and Firefox, Edge and Safari.



Visual Studio Code for the Web
Build with Visual Studio Code, anywhere, anytime, entirely in your browser.


WhoIsAbishag - Overview
WhoIsAbishag has 18 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.


